Case Studies

Northern Medical Ultrasound Bolton

Client: Northern Medical Ultrasound Bolton (bidding as Yorkshire Health Solutions)

Healthcare Sector: Non-Obstretric Ultrasounds

Project Category: Bid Writing & Management

Project Detail

Bidding Ltd and Yorkshire Health Solutions’ (YHS) long-standing partnership is a testament to how our process fits each client. YHS first came to us in 2019 for support on an AQP tender, due to lack of time and capacity whilst delivering frontline care. Today, Bidding Ltd is YHS’s company of choice for bid writing; we’re trusted to deliver high-quality, compelling content. After leading many of YHS’ successful bids, our work on their Bolton NOUS bid is another step in a fantastic partnership.

For Bolton CCG’s 25,000-word Direct Access NOUS tender, we leveraged the natural efficiencies of our established partnership to deliver a compliant, high-quality bid during a challenging procurement. Before we even put pen to page, or booted up a Pink Team Zoom call, our team meticulously prepared a specification, question, and content analysis exercise across the three tenders and our dedicated YHS Bid Library to tailor a targeted, efficient process.

This project team consisting of a bid writer, bid manager and deputy-COO have all recently worked across the three most recent YHS projects. Through our knowledge sharing BidEngine model, the team used up-to-date understanding of YHS’ service strategy to devise efficient content creation processes. At each stage we were armed with a wealth of experience with the client’s solution design, enabling us the time to tackle a variety of challenges that popped up along the way including, numerously re-issued opportunity documents and portal glitches, without hindering project timelines.  We delivered a fantastic bid, giving YHS peace of mind throughout.

The Client’s Challenges


There were complexities surrounding the re-issued bid, making this tender uniquely challenging and time intensive.

Lack of Time

The client lacked the time and resource to appropriately write and manage a bid whilst delivering frontline care.

Lack of Expertise

The client lacked expertise in preparing and project managing a bid.

Our Solutions Included…

We launched this Bolton NOUS bid with an established baseline strategy, balancing content creation with comprehensive project management to offer YHS an involved experience with minimal impact on their day-to-day work. Our previous successful bids for them ensured we had an effective precedent for our approach.

Gap Analysis

Once the tender was re-released, we conducted a gap analysis and touched base once again with Joanne Holgate, YHS’ Director and bid lead, for transparency regarding requirements and timescales.

Working Framework

Our previous YHS bid wins and extensive background in delivering NOUS content ensured an effective working framework, and we produced a compliant, high-quality bid in half the time it would ordinarily take for a tender of this size and complexity. As the tender underwent several documentation re-issues, we proactively conducted comprehensive version comparisons, issued clarification questions to the Commissioner, and adapted our content to maintain compliance.

Dynamic Process

Our process was dynamic as we were already in-tune with YHS’ mission and strategy, this meant we could delve into the intricacies of workforce planning and service access much quicker, giving them time back to dedicated to patient care. We were also flexible in ensuring we worked around the clients schedule —e.g. fitting meetings around clinic times—without compromising on critical touch-points supporting transparency and insight into our way of working.  Our flexibility as a team enables these kind of small adjustment, big impact opportunities for clients – making bidding as easy as possible.

Bid Administration

Bid administration is built into Bidding Ltd’s project timelines, enabling clients with fewer resources for and expertise in bid production to submit excellent, compliant content, on time, every time.

Project Successes

The Bolton NOUS tender has been paused indefinitely due to a potential re-evaluation of the scope of services. However, our completion of this project means we have a strong platform to work with when the tender is un-paused and further instructions are announced. Our bid management, bolstered by YHS’ trust in us, ensured a smooth, streamlined process supported our creation of richly detailed, compelling responses.

From delivering a comprehensive analysis of specification developments, to articulating a sophisticated solution design for Bolton, we have enabled YHS to have a clear roadmap for their bid responses once the tender is re-activated.