1 August 2023

The Growth of Social Value in Bid Responses

Due to the Social Value Act 2012, social value is becoming increasingly important in procurement. Social Value is defined as the added benefit to the wider community in delivering a service contract, specifically, economic, social, environmental, and general wellbeing for a local area.

Why is Social Value so Important?

Social value is paramount. Since the Social Value Act about, social value is considered in all public sector procurements. With this prevalence, there are higher expectations for organisations to demonstrate positive and effective social action, being more accountable for the initiative’s outcomes.

Further to this, due to COVID-19 in terms of employment, economic growth and climate change, the launch of social value devotes to test organisations (both large and small) on their ability to encourage growth. This is ultimately to ‘feel-up’ the UK, stemming from community initiatives.

What to Include

With weightings up to 20% given to the social value element of a response, alongside price (previously 40%) and quality (previously 60%), community-focussed approaches to bidding are fundamental for the best possible chance of winning a contract. Commissioners want to see what your organisation can achieve, regarding:

Helpful Tips

As a result of the public sector’s emphasis on social value organisations must understand what it means and how to implement social value to the best of their ability. To demonstrate impactful social value, these tips can help:

  1. Thoroughly research national and local targets as these are the basic standards you should be meeting e.g., the Net Zero government target
  2. Include specific facts demonstrating genuine change, for example a milestone you have or will achieve, e.g., “by 2023 we will have reduced unemployment by 40%”
  3. Understand the question requirements. Although this sounds simple, many organisations fail to recognise what the question his asking. For example, if the question is about equal opportunities, do not mention your approach to sustainability
  4. Make attainable commitment – do to promote what your organisation cannot achieve. Instead, derive ‘future truths’ of what you aim to achieve during the life of the contract
  5. Tailor your response towards local improvements that need to be made, evidencing local area knowledge

At HealthBid, we are vastly experienced in writing social value responses, helping organisations, such as NHS Trusts, to be favoured over competitors through our writing expertise.

If you need further support to implement social value and you are unsure where to start, give our Sales Team a call at 0113 4790 803 or email [email protected]